Photobook of trade  
10 March 2023
Dedicated to my loving wife Lila

While human activities are part the focus of this series of visual explorations, Günther Komnick has ambitiously made Trade the focus of one of the books in the series. No other activity is accompanied by so much colour, skill, character and skill as is the activity of trading. And, it is this activity which Komnick has captured so well.
     The traders, be they fruit and vegetable sellers, tailors or barmen, they are all selling something, exchanging. This exchanging on the surface involves money and estimating the value of say, an umbrella, candles or jewellery, but trading of another kind also takes place: the exchange of ideas, the exchange of friendships and rivalries. It is trade which leads to growth and Komnick shows us as well the urban effects of trade and what the accumulation of money can bring about, for better or worse. Trade is as much cultural and has created enticing cities and colourful urban and village scenes, all keenly captured by Komnick. People also sell their skills, b it ceramics, or tanning leather. This book, as with some of the others, is a tribute to human ingenuity.
by Dr Wilhelm Snyman, Auckland, New Zealand